Around the World in 100 Words, February, 2019; Week5
Around the World in 100 Words
February, 2019; Week 5
One month down, 11 to go! Wow, it seemed like just yesterday we were eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival on Christmas morning. And now, it’s chocolates and roses for Valentines’ Day (men don’t forget!). Markets continue to recover from the sell-off in Q4 of 2018 and interest rate hikes appear to be lessening. So, with things relatively stable on the economic front, this week’s Around the World looks at 10 tried-and-true investor principles to follow, that contribute to a better overall investment outcome. The 10 come in the form of a test, so click here and see how you do!
As always, I look forward to hearing from each of you on how you scored. What’s also important is which questions you didn’t put a check mark beside. These are the ones I want most to help you with.
We can’t control the markets, but we can control investment behaviour. And that’s half the battle. So please let me know how you fared and we’ll talk soon!