Around The World in 100 Words-May, 2020:Week 21
With the CoronaCrisis still dominating the news cycle, my Around the World (ATW) blog has shifted to a Daily Report, to give you current commentary that is meant to be both informative and reassuring.
Until we’re past this -and we will get past this, ATW will have links to each weeks’ Daily Reports. They can be found in the links below.
FCF DAILY UPDATE- May 25th, 2020.pdf
FCF DAILY UPDATE- May 26th, 2020.pdf
FCF DAILY UPDATE- May 27th, 2020.pdf
FCF DAILY UPDATE- May 28th, 2020.pdf
FCF DAILY UPDATE- May 29th, 2020.pdf
Please have a read-through and look forward to any feedback that you have. We’re all in this together and we’ll get this through together!
Be safe, be well!